

尊龙凯时-人生就是博:Elabscience® 1月产品文献引用突破20767篇,总IF值达1028577

发布时间:2025-03-13   信息来源:尊龙凯时官方编辑


尊龙凯时-人生就是博:Elabscience® 1月产品文献引用突破20767篇,总IF值达1028577

Elabscience® 1月高分文献前10论文

论文标题 期刊 影响因子
Intermittent fasting triggers interorgan communication to suppress hair follicle regeneration Cell 455
The epitranscriptional factor PCIF1 orchestrates CD8+ T cell ferroptosis and activation to control antitumor immunity Nature Immunology 277
Intra-tumoral sphingobacterium multivorum promotes triple-negative breast cancer progression by suppressing tumor immuno-surveillance Molecular Cancer 277
Circular RNA circBNC2 inhibits tumorigenesis by modulating ferroptosis and acts as another therapeutic target in prostate cancer Molecular Cancer 277
Muscle-derived small extracellular vesicles induce liver fibrosis during overtraining Cell Metabolism 277
A biomimetic sweeping microrobot for active therapy of ulcerative colitis Advanced Materials 274
Oriented cortical-bone-like silk protein lamellae effectively repair large segmental bone defects in pigs Advanced Materials 274
Kdm2a inhibition in skeletal muscle improves metabolic flexibility in obesity Nature Metabolism 189
Inhalable chemotactic liposome for targeted modulation of pulmonary pre-metastatic niche Advanced Functional Materials 185
Ginkgolide B increases health span and lifespan of female mice Nature Aging 170


1. 间歇性禁食与毛囊再生

英文标题:Intermittent fasting triggers interorgan communication to suppress hair follicle regeneration



2. 环状 RNA 的癌症抑制作用

英文标题:Circular RNA circBNC2 inhibits tumorigenesis by modulating ferroptosis and acts as another therapeutic target in prostate cancer
发表期刊:Molecular Cancer

哈尔滨医科大学的研究显示,circBNC2 作为一种新型的分子海绵,能够通过靶向调控 ACSL6 激活铁死亡通路,从而抑制前列腺癌的生长。这一发现为前列腺癌的治疗提供了新的纳米治疗策略。

3. 内肿瘤微生物对癌症的影响

英文标题:Intra-tumoral sphingobacterium multivorum promotes triple-negative breast cancer progression by suppressing tumor immunosurveillance
发表期刊:Molecular Cancer

南方医科大学的研究揭示,特异性肿瘤内驻留细菌如 Smultivorum 通过抑制肿瘤微环境中的免疫监视,促进三阴性乳腺癌的进展。此研究为理解肿瘤微生态在癌症发展中的角色提供了新思路。

Elabscience® 品牌致力于提升生物医疗领域的研究效率与成果,为科研工作者提供优质产品支持与服务。通过坚持科学创新,[尊龙凯时-人生就是博],我们与科研共同成长。